My mom died on May 17, 2024. 45429 is the result of entering 5/14/2024 into Excel, then converting the date to a general number. My original intention going forward was to post every Friday—every seventh day—a photo taken that day for as long as I wanted (or needed) to. Incidentally, 7 is also the number by which I count back from 100 to stave off panic. Eventually (read: almost immediately) the schedule became somewhat oppressive and impractical, but 7 still feels like an important unit by which to organize time.
In the foreground, an open book: Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King. Text on right page somewhat clear, blurrier on left page, plus left page striated by morning light coming in through the blinds. Book lies on duvet, cotton cover of wide denim-blue and white stripes. An afghan in various shades of blue also lies on the bed. All set against a dark, blurry background but the white keys of an electronic keyboard are just barely visible.